The Bronx Household of Faith
a Reformed, community church in University Heights Learn more about what we believe...Where & When We GatherSUNDAY GATHERINGS
We welcome any and all who would like to join us. Please reach out with any questions or to let us know to expect you!
Bible Classes: 10:00 AM
Worship Service: 11:15 AM
2206 Andrews Ave. Bronx, NY 10453
Each Sunday, we gather to study God’s Word,
to be reminded of the good news of Jesus Christ,
to participate in singing worship to our Savior and in sharing the Lord’s Supper,
and to listen to preaching that explains and applies God’s Word. Please feel free to join us!

God Is Like This
How does God make himself known? Our triune God, being infinite and everywhere-present, is invisible—and I’ve become more comfortable with this reality over the years. I think there were times when it used to trouble me, the question, Why doesn’t God show himself? I...
Don’t Forget They’re Dead
“I see dead people.” It’s just a quote from a famous movie; it’s not a common phenomenon, and not, I trust, something any of us would like to experience—hallucinations of the walking dead. Creepy! And yet, in a way, I ought to see more dead people. At least, I ought...
The Good Life
I sat next to a 16-year-old boy wearing a baggy T-Shirt that said “BLESSED” in gaudy lettering. The image on the shirt gave the sense: two hands pressed together in prayer, between them a long-stemmed rose and a stack of hundred-dollar bills. Pleasure and...