Luke 19:1-10

Zacchaeus was someone whom nobody liked.  He was a collaborator, a person who had enriched himself by having his hand in the pockets of his fellow countrymen. To befriend him in table fellowship was to be in league with an enemy of God. Who would dare risk reputation for the slightest nod towards him?  But Jesus did.

Zacchaeus sought out Jesus–but actually it was Jesus who was seeking Zacchaeus. In Jesus’ own words, “the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10).  Something extraordinary happened after Jesus went to his home for dinner.  Zacchaeus went into his house a son of Abraham by circumcision and came out a true son of Abraham by circumcision of the heart.

I have often wished for the details of the exchange between the two, but no.  The Holy Spirit has given us just the right amount of information.  There is no doubt in my mind that the experience of having the sovereign Lord of the universe as a dinner-guest was forever etched in his memory.  That is not the point to be made here.  He had obviously embraced our Lord as the long-awaited Messiah.  The result was a changed life.  That is always the effect of true saving faith.

The story presents Zacchaeus as “getting it.”  He would make restitution where he had defrauded people.  Here is a beautiful, unfettered picture of the Gospel.  Jesus sought Zacchaeus.  Zacchaeus repented and believed. The effect of his faith brought forth the fruit of repentance.