The Bronx Household of Faith Blog
No Surprise Here
Listening to the oral arguments before the Second Circuit last Monday afternoon was an experience in conflicting emotions. In the first half, the three judge panel seemed to criticize the DOE’s arguments at every level, eliciting a heart-felt delight that they...
“Anything But Christianity”
A Growing Threat? On November 19, 2012, the Bronx Household of Faith was once again before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. The city is seeking to overturn the injunction handed down from the Federal District Court earlier this year. The opening...
Zacchaeus, I Must Stay at your House Today
Luke 19:1-10 Zacchaeus was someone whom nobody liked. He was a collaborator, a person who had enriched himself by having his hand in the pockets of his fellow countrymen. To befriend him in table fellowship was to be in league with an enemy of God. Who would dare...
Empowering or Imploring? In the Wake of the Election
The results are in: voters have empowered many people in the executive and legislative branches to carry out public policies clearly abhorrent to God - abortion and gay 'marriage.' Although many who voted for these candidates may not agree with their views on these...
Who Should I Vote For? Election Day for the People of God
The Rule of Law The United States was founded by people who believed in the rule of law. Many of them believed that the God of the Bible is the ultimate law-giver and that he has ordained that all people, kings or presidents, are to be subject to his law. This...
Who Should I Vote For? Election Day in a Fallen World
I do not look for a political savior. I have no king but Jesus. But Jesus tells me to submit to governing authorities and, therefore, I will vote in this election. Here is the basis of my vote: No man has the right to rule over another; yet we need to be governed. ...