The Bronx Household of Faith Blog

City Lights: Winter, 2015

“Dorothy wanted to see more of the princess, so she ran after her; but the [made of] china girl cried out, ‘Don’t chase me.’ ‘Why?’ ‘Because,’ answered the princess, also stopping a safe distance away, ‘if I run I may fall down and break myself.’ ‘But could you not be mended?’ asked the girl

Season of Lent

Season of Lent

In ancient Israel, the calendar was all about the story of God’s redemption. The church through the ages maintained a calendar as well. It is centered around the life of Christ: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, winter ordinary time, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost, summer ordinary time and then back to Advent.

By This Is My Father Glorified

By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples. (John 15:8, ESV) Certainly these words of our Lord Jesus capture the highest and purest object of prayer -- that the Father may be glorified. It is to bring glory to the Living...

Christmas is for Sinners

'Happy Holidays' is slowly replacing 'Merry Christmas' in our post-Christian culture. Fewer and fewer stores have greetings or displays which have anything to do with the birth of Jesus. It is not surprising. The human heart does not find the true Jesus attractive; in...

Lift Him Up

"When I am lifted up, I will draw all men to Myself." John 12:32 The truth and comfort of this promise has been impressed upon us lately.  Neither victories (with their joys) nor defeats (with their sorrows) are to be our focus, but simply to faithfully exalt our...

November Building Update

We are on the last leg of the building project! The “punch list”—the finishing touches which our contractor has committed to seeing through—we hope will be completed by the end of November. A few inspections remain in order to acquire our long-awaited Temporary...

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