The Bronx Household of Faith Blog

God Is Like This
How does God make himself known? Our triune God, being infinite and everywhere-present, is invisible—and I’ve become more comfortable with this reality over the years. I think there were times when it used to trouble me, the question, Why doesn’t God show himself? I...

Don’t Forget They’re Dead
“I see dead people.” It’s just a quote from a famous movie; it’s not a common phenomenon, and not, I trust, something any of us would like to experience—hallucinations of the walking dead. Creepy! And yet, in a way, I ought to see more dead people. At least, I ought...

The Good Life
I sat next to a 16-year-old boy wearing a baggy T-Shirt that said “BLESSED” in gaudy lettering. The image on the shirt gave the sense: two hands pressed together in prayer, between them a long-stemmed rose and a stack of hundred-dollar bills. Pleasure and...

Two Sundays ago, the message at BHOF was directed specifically toward young people: “Remember your creator in the days of your youth” (Ecclesiastes 12:1). The preacher in Ecclesiastes doesn’t call God “creator” anywhere else in the book. One reason, I argued, that the...

3 Things I Hate About COVID Church (or Why Every Sunday Is Like Christmas)
1. We have to sit in household clusters separated by at least 6 feet. This fulfills our state’s COVID-safety requirements. But it also highlights one reason we shouldn’t normally sit so far from each other at church: We are family members, not audience members. If...

Returning to the Source
You’re one twitch of the finger and a screen-blip away from conjuring up scores of “results” on how Christians should think about everything from Coronavirus to George Floyd’s death and the protests following in its wake. I have found it increasingly difficult to...